Interested in customizing Waving Skyman to fit into a certain theme ? We can of course help you with it. Check our this this firefighter Waving Man. The Waving Skyman wears a white helmet with the emergency number 112 and wears fire fighting clothing. This way it is immediately clear to everyone that it is a firefighter who is waving.
JB Waving Skymen
JB manufactures waving men in all possible themes and a selection of sizes (2.5 to 4.5 meters). There are 4 options of skymen: standard colour, standard colour with logo, full colour print or totally customised design with 3D shapes. The average cost of the product is low and the range and the possibilities for customizations are wide. Whatever you come up with, everything is possible with these cheerfully dancing, jumping and waving advertising skymen. Would you like more information about the custom made Waving Skymen? Then please contact us.